Saturday, July 14, 2007

Facilitaton #1

I am a maple tree...
stretching and reaching toward the sunlight. My trunk arches to the southwest, and my leaves thrive on that side while there are few on the opposite side.

Maple tree, please give to me...

The ability to bend and stretch toward the sun and as the winds rustle through the forest, teach me to bend and not to break easily.

Teach me to be resilient and to thrive where I am planted.

Teach me to be self-pruning, letting go of the old or negative thoughts and habits, while growing and maturing in the positive areas of my life.

Teach me to coexist with others:
even though they may be a different species than me, even though they may do better in different conditions than I prefer.

Help me to just be...


Eleanor Abrams said...

Hi Elizabeth,

I was touched by your evocation poem and how you connected with your tree. I can see that you have very strong relationships with the plant world. I know you will want to help students uncover the secret world of plants.

OZOne said...

Invocation poems can reveal so much about our inner self. Thanks for sharing this one. It is particularly beautiful. Rick