Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Reading Facilitation & Site Scouting

Today I prepared the reading facilitation. It was a good learning experience and we all took turns, so we can empathize with one another. I was looking forward to initiating the facilitation and when the time came, I was surprized to feel nervous, and by the details that I overlooked. Everything went well, and I feel that what I hoped to be taken home -was.

We went out to the headwaters to locate the testing sites and to begin testing. We scouted out the site for the outflow from Beaver Pond and spent time at the dam.

We enjoyed a romp through the underbrush as we followed the stream to see if we could find the inflow into the Creek Pond. We walked f
or 20 minutes and had to turn around to meet the class. We took a lot of photos and were amazed at the high water mark and the amount of soil erosion and soil washed away from under the trees.

1 comment:

Lara said...

Your photographs are terrific. I would like to know more about your scouting of sites.